Hi guys,
i'm currently working on my first ios game. I'm doing some memory leak test with xcode and it seems that Prime31 Storekit and RevMob for unity is creating a bunch of memory leaks. I don't want my app to have leaks and i don't know what i can do to avoid them. (I'm a beginner in Objective-C so that is why i'm using plugin, but I understand reference counting)
Also, even with an empty unity project, there's always a 16 bytes leak at startup : IphoneNewLabelAllocator:Allocate. I'm working with unity 3.5.
Is it normal to have a bunch of leaks because of unity, prime31 store kit or revmob?
P.S. I tested revmob alone and prime31 storekit alone and there's a bunch of memory leaks. Unfornately it would have be easier to resolve it if the leaks was due to my game coding.
(Sorry for my bad english! xD)
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Ok the leaks doesn't come from plugins. I found that each time Unity/Mono send a message to Xcode(so the objective-c) there's a leak: mono_dl_open 16 bytes.
So my question now is how do i avoid that? Is it possible?